Daily ECCOv4r4 data is now online

The ECCO global state estimate is an important ocean reanalysis dataset. It blends a dynamical ocean circulation model with several hundred million observations from satellites and in situ instruments for the period 1992–2017. The monthly-average ECCOv4r4 data has been available for some time on SciServer. Now the daily-average dataset is online. To access the data […]

New LLC4320 data

OceanSpy screenshot

The LLC4320 global 2km resolution dataset has been extended. The new fields include the air/sea forcing data, sea ice, and vertical speed. Remember, the LLC4320 data currently on SciServer are just a 10-day test set. The full dataset is coming soon…

ECCO data available on SciServer and OceanSpy

The ECCO (Estimating the Circulation and Climate of the Ocean) v4r4 solution is available on SciServer and ready for analysis with OceanSpy. Select the OceanCirculation data volume when you create your SciServer Compute container and have fun! A Jupyter notebook tutorial on how to use the ECCO data will be posted soon.